Some things really do just need to go. Don’t think twice about these items- there is no need for them in your new home. It’s time to clean out the fridge and the cabinets!
- Expired foods. Sometimes those expiry dates can come a lot quicker than you thought they would. It can be understandable, but it’s time to go through your fridge, the freezer and the pantries and get rid of everything past it’s prime! If your move is longer, you may need to toss some items that won’t make it through the length of time without refrigeration.
- Old products. This includes all personal products such as makeup and hair care items, cleaning products, and any chemical products like leftover paint for example. Everything has an expiration date, not just food!
- Old furniture and dishware. Moving is a great time, if you are able to, to get rid of the old hand-me-down pieces and start to build your own collection of furniture, dishware, and glassware that fits your needs and style. There is no need to hang out to the couch your grandparents gave you that has been with you since your college days.
- Old electronics. It may be difficult to let go of the nostalgia, but you most likely don’t need to hang onto that mp3 player you haven’t touched in 15 years that won’t even turn on anymore. It’s also time to go through all those cords- somehow, we all end up with dozens upon dozens of cords that we don’t even know what their purpose is. Go through them and only keep the ones you use now.
- Anything you forgot you owned. This goes without saying, but if you forgot it existed in your life, it doesn’t need to stay in it any longer!
This is the perfect time to really be honest with yourself and sort and organize your belongings to ensure what comes with you to your next destination are the items you truly want with you and avoid the excess of items you really don’t need. Start off in your new home on the right foot and enjoy the freedom from the clutter right from the beginning.